The Economist – リーディング 2024年2月
20240203 issue
20240201 issue
World’s this week – Business
TODO: the chances were increasing of it
Japanese government-bond yields rose sharply after the central bank’s governor, Ueda Kazuo, said the chances were increasing of it hitting its inflation target, fuelling market expectations of a rate rise in the first half of this year.
末尾 fell off a flight just after take-off の文法が説明できない
The aircraft were grounded when a panel fell off a flight just after take-off.
“when a panel fell off” これで節として完結して、接続詞無しに a flight = n が配置されているのがおかしいと思った。だから a flight が独立主格で主文を修飾していると考えているが…。
fall off : 抜け落ちる -> Vi 的に使われている。
↑の考え方は間違い。fall off は目的語を取れる(cf. longman)。そして flight の意味は「便」以外に plane の意味もある(cf. longman)。
and that … で that SV になっているのが分からなかった
Exxon says the motion does not comply with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules on shareholder proposals and that the activists are motivated by an extreme agenda.
普通に says that SV です。
表現 in the last three months of 2023
The number of net new subscribers to Netflix surged by 13.1m in the last three months of 2023,
TODO: people it signed up – it が省略されていない。people who signed up になるはず。signed up の目的語が無い気もするが…
a figure exceeded only by the 15.8m people it signed up in early 2020, the start of the pandemic.
sign up は句動詞だけど自動詞的なので sing up to/for で目的語を取れる。sing up の前置詞がないので目的語は取れない。
Macy’s rejected a $5.8bn buy-out offer from a pair of investment firms that it received in December.
単純に先行詞が offer で関係詞節は recieved の目的語が欠落している。「先行詞を wh 節で修飾する前に prop + n を配置する」というルールによりこの語順になっている。
DONE: Q. 先行詞と関係詞節の間に修飾語が入る場合はどう考えたらよいのか?
- 主語を関係詞節で修飾する場合、主語と関係詞節の間に V O が割り込む。⇒ V O が離れると非常に読み難いため V O は S に近づける。英会話では「SVO を述べてから最後に S を wh 節で補足する」という考え方で喋ればよい。
eg. The time will come when I have to decide. ⇒ The time when I have to decide will come.
The fact was so dangerous that I met. - 先行詞 + 前置詞 + n + wh のパターン。wh 節よりも前置詞 + n を S の直後に持ってくる。一般的にそうされている。
- 先行詞 + 関係詞節1 + 関係詞節2 のパターン。先行詞 + prop + n + 関係詞節のパターンの prop + n が関係詞節に置き換わっただけ。 cf. 二重限定と言う
NOTE: 関係詞節が二重にある場合は最後の関係詞節は最初の関係詞節の先行詞を修飾している場合が多いと考える。
eg. He is the only man that I know who can do it.
NOTE: 上記は関係詞節が先行詞から離れる場合の説明だが、prop + n も同様に修飾する語句から離れる場合がある。n0 + (prop + n) + (prop + n) みたいな語順が来たら全て n0 を修飾している可能性があるということ。
that it ではなく、from which it … じゃないのは何故?
The prime minister rejected the suggestion that it was time for him to resign.
この that どう説明できるんだっけ…。忘れた。
that は接続詞で名詞節を導く。that と wh- は「同格節になる名詞節」を導く。名詞や代名詞の後について、その内容を説明する節である。
eg. The fact that the bridge collapsed is important
India tightens the screws on online dissent
TODO: 単語 private players
But a combination of ambitious policy, private players and pandemic lockdowns has brought huge change.
表現 up a third from~
The audience for streaming video was 481m last year, up a third from 2021.
up は adv で increase の意味 cf. cambridge
Last year the company’s turnover was $240 billion, up three percent on (= compared with) the previous year.
TODO: which when
A draft of a new broadcasting bill has been released, which
when passed will replace a 1995 law regulating cable television.
when passed で「通過した時には」という主語と思われる。which when it is passed の it が関係代名詞 which になっていると思われる。”which (when passed) will replace…” () が割り込んでいるだけとも考えられる?
TODO: when it is passed it will replace a 1995 law. が元の文章。関係詞節を修飾する関係副詞接続詞(when)の主語はどう表現するのか?
when は時の副詞節を導く接続詞で「~したらその時」の意味。
そもそも、主語が明らかな時(修飾する節の主語と同じ時)、when + Vpp の用法が可能(cf. stack exchange)。
eg. When told she was overjoyed.
When excited he is liable to do something silly.
I shall be happier when informed of the results.
単語 amount to
Critics fret that the new laws amount to an all-out assault on free speech in India.
is not as … の意味がぱっと出てこなかった
The government is not always as systematic in its thinking.
as は普通に「~のよう」の意味
cf. longman
used to say what someone thinks or says a person or thing iseg. He’s described as being in his late teens, tall, and of slim build.
The conditions under which these powers can be used are left to future rule-making.
flaw 使えそうな単語
I returned the material because it had a flaw in it.
There’s a fatal flaw in your reasoning.
This report is full of flaws.
it is past time という表現を聞いた事が無くて past time の強調構文になっているのが分からなかった。
Supporters argue that it is past time India updated its laws to reflect advances in technology.
sits の主語が that なのか欠落しているのか?
At the base is the telecoms act…
Above that sits data protection, which is intended to safeguard individuals whose data are rushing through the pipes.
「ベースにあるのは~、その上に sits してるのは~」と理解はできるが文法はどうなっているのか?
前置詞が導く節の強調で倒置が起こっている。subject-dependent inversion と呼ばれ、特に位置を表す副詞や副詞句が文頭に来る。
Above that sits data protection -> Data protection sits above that.
Here comes the dog -> The dog comes here.
TODO: 似た様な倒置表現について勉強。
Also in the works is a “Digital India” act intended to regulate platforms and minimise harm to users,
単語 bill
In an age of streaming, the broadcasting bill’s job is to extend regulation that covers traditional media to new ways of delivering content.
Also in the works is a “Digital India” act intended to regulate platforms and minimise harm to users, which will take the place of the 24-year-old Information and Technology Act.
多分 in the works を強調して倒置が起きている。
⇒ Also A “Digital India” act is intended to regulate platforms in the works and minimise harm to users, …
単語 take the place of
「~に取って代わる」the が必要。
, which will take the place of the 24-year-old Information and Technology Act.
単語 nity-grity
In addition to dealing with the nitty-gritty of infrastructure
The conditions under which these powers can be used are left to future rule-making.
単語 afford
- to be able to buy or do something because you have enough money or time:
I don’t know how he can afford a new car on his salary. - to allow someone to have something pleasant or necessary:
The hut afforded little protection from the elements.
Her seat afforded her an uninterrupted view of the stage. ( O1 O2 を取れる) - to be able to do something without it causing problems:
We can afford to wait.
Similarly, “the discretionary rule-making powers” the data-protection act affords the government could “undermine the protections provided in the law”,
単語 render
these flaws render it “open for misuse through subjective and selective application”
He was rendered almost speechless by the news.
彼はそのニュースにほとんど言葉を失った。The blow to his head was strong enough to render him unconscious.
formal to give something to someone or do something, because it is your duty or because someone expects you to
It is unlikely that the court will render an opinion before November 5.
a bill of $3200 for services rendered
to express or present something in a particular way
She made a sound that in print is rendered as ‘harrumph’.
a sculpture rendered in bronze
単語 open for
opportunity – if an opportunity, a possible action, a job etc is open to you, you have the chance to do it
these flaws render it “open for misuse through subjective and selective application”
The job is being kept open for her.
The 1960s was a period when greater opportunities were open to women.
So what other options are open to us?
Business.Why you should never retire
But in remaining professionally active into what would historically be considered dotage, they are not unique.
dotage : 高齢、もうろく、ぼけ
単語: suppose
But suppose you are one of the lucky ones who can choose to step aside.
step aside : 退任する、脇にそれる
the arc of… 意味が考えないと分からなかった
The arc of corporate life used to be predictable.
arc : 円弧、ここでは軌跡とかで良かろう
used to : かつて~していた/~だった
Although intellectual stimulation tends to keep depression and cognitive impairment at bay
TODO: conceding の文法、訳が分からん
many professionals in the technology sector retire at the earliest recommended date to make space for the younger generation, conceding it would be unrealistic to maintain their edge in the field.
concede : Vit. 敗北を認める – to admit that something is true or correct, although you wish it were not true
concede that の用法があるので意味は「彼らの武器を維持するのは非現実的と認めて…(認めたくないけど)」
TODO: all the time の意味が分からない
leisure gives you all the time in the world but tends to marginalise you as you are no longer in the game.
-ing が付いた時のシラブルはどうなるか?
ing で 1 つのシラブルになる。このシラブルは常時弱形で発音する。
-ed が付いた時のシラブルはどうなるか?
- 末尾が有声音だとシラブルは増えない : saved, confirmed, robbed、発音は /d/
- 末尾が無静音だとシラブルが増えない : kicked, fixed, jumped、無声音の場合の発音は /t/
- 末尾が /t/ or /d/ だとシラブルが増え、/t/ の場合の発音は /Id/ or /弱形a d/ の音になる : wanted, provided
TODO: 文意が分からん
you can begin to split your time between photography and scrounging flea markets for a collection of Americana.
scrounge : Vit. たかる
flea : /fli:/ n.o. ノミ
Americana : US 由来のモノ
単語 head of the hospital
If you are no longer head of the hospital, you can join Médecins Sans Frontières for occasional stints, teach or help out at your local clinic.
occasional : adj.o. たまの
stint : n. (仕事などをしていた)期間、任務 Vt.o. ~を出し惜しむ
単語 self-worth
Self-worth and personal growth can derive from many places, including non-profit work or mentoring others on how to set up a business.
But can anything truly replace the framework and buzz of being part of the action?
単語 flourish
to grow or develop successfully:「成功する」
Parts of the city continue to flourish.
This is the perfect environment for our company to flourish and expand in.You can have a packed diary devoid of deadlines, meetings and spreadsheets and flourish as a consumer of theatre
matinees, art exhibitions and badminton lessons.
If you do something with a flourish, you do it with one big, noticeable movement: 「目を引く動き、華麗な」
The waiter handed me the menu with a flourish.
TODO: than の用法が分からない
And excitement, even in significantly lower doses than are typical earlier in a career, can act as an anti-ageing serum.
- ,, で excitement の説明が挿入されている
- than の用法が分からない
- serum : 血清
I’m not force-feeding myself a steak at 4.30 just to save a couple of bucks!”
(4:30にディナーに行くと安いので)2, 3 ドル節約するために4:30にステーキを食べたりはしない。
TODO: 文意不明
When this guest Bartleby entered the job market, she assumed that when the day came she too would be a pensioner in a pastel-coloured shirt opting for the “early-bird special”.
このゲスト、バートルビーが就職市場に足を踏み入れたとき、彼女もまたパステルカラーのシャツに身を包み、”早割 “を選ぶ年金生活者になるのだろうと思っていた。
early-bird special : 早割
pensioner : 年金受給者
TODO: 文意不明
A quarter of a century on, your 48-year-old columnist hopes to be writing for The Economist decades from now, even if she trundles to her interviews supported by a Zimmer frame; Mr Seinfeld is still going strong at 69, after all. But ask her again in 21 years.
trundle : (to cause something) to move slowly on wheels:
She trundled the wheelbarrow down the path.
Mr Seinfeld : Seinfeld というホームコメディのプロデューサー
Zimmer : 何者か分からない
TODO: decades from now が何句なのか分からん
The Economist decades from now,
The Economist と連結名詞になっている?
発音 what would historically be
would historically : ウッ/ディス
historically be : li の音が無くなって “history ku be” に聞こえる。cf. 発音ガイド p160. によると早い会話では
- 弱形の a が欠落する
- i が欠落する
速読 – 一呼吸で読めないから遅くなっている
non-criminals who are considering an end to their working lives
速読 – 子音に挟まれた t, d は欠落する
must still contend with -> マスティル(t 欠落), コンテンウィズ(d 欠落)
発音 – won’t
Some of man simply won’t quit.
速読 – 前置詞のオンパレードの時に遅くなる
they do not have to lead to boredom or to a life devoid of meaning.
have to で一呼吸おいてしまう。lead が何故か一呼吸おかないと読み上げられない。
速読 – that で一呼吸置いてしまう
One poll this year found that almost one in three Americans