

no more than/not more than


Each box requires no more than a few hours of labor to build.
He was a kid really, not more than eighteen or nineteen.


no more than と not more than は大した違いはありません。Cambridge/Collinsで定義されている通り”used to emphasize how small an amount is”の意味しかありません。ニュアンスが大事な場合は英英辞典に注釈があるのが普通ですがCambridge/Longman/Collins共にありません。非ネイティブがニュアンスを区別できなくて困る事は一切ありません。

参考:Ask MetaFilter – ネイティブが大した差は無いと言っている例

no more ~ than B


参考:English Stack Exchange

引用:The Economist – Made in China

It may turn out to be no more lethal than seasonal influenza

引用:Cambridge – No more than

It does not tell you much. There is no more detail than in the instructions. (formal)

Flying there isn’t any more expensive than getting the train. (informal)

not any more ~ than B

no more A than B のカジュアルな表現

more than adj

very の意味

引用: The Economist – Curbing the Asian contagion

the country is more than able to detect anyone infected.

引用: Cambridge

We will be more than happy to help you in any way we can.

英国特有の表現で very a little で少なからず、かなりという意味になるので紛らわしい。

I was more than a little (= I was very) curious about the whole business.

x times


引用:The Economist – Not for Sale

Luxury groups are loth to reduce production, given that goods can be sold for ten times what they cost to make.

not much better

イディオムというわけじゃないが比較級を much 付きで否定した時の意味が分からなくなった。

引用:The Economist – Brain v prawn

Eating wild shrimp is not much better:


much が入ると「あまりよくない」というニュアンスになる。

引用: Resverso Context

There’s another work-around which is not much better.


And he’s not much better.


Unfortunately, it’s not much better.
