20210622 – Brexit faces problems at the Northern Irish border

almost six months が文頭にある。これは名詞では?

Almost six months after Britain finally left the single market,

月 + after で名詞節を形成しているように見える。そうだとして構文が意味不明。それか、after が after three months から倒置している?分からない。正解は名詞の副詞的用法でこちらで説明しています。時間・距離・数量・様態を表す一部の名詞は単体で副詞として機能します。次の例文は last Wednesday が副詞として動詞を修飾しています。

I went there last Wednesday.

例文: Cambridge

Three months after they moved out, the house was still empty.

afterは接続詞。Three months は after が導く従属節を修飾している。


after は従属接続詞で従属節を作ります。従属節は必ず主節を伴います。従属節が文頭にある場合は、主節との間にカンマを入れるのが普通です。主節 + 従属節の場合はカンマは不要です。

that of ~

the impact on the economy is hard to unpick from that of covid-19.

~のそれという意味。「それ」は直前に出てきた主語を指す。主語との重複を避けるために使う。ここでは that of は the impact を指す。that で主語の重複を避けるのが本質であり前置詞は何でもいい

that in ~の例

In-town shopping centres were the worst hit and slowest to bounce back: data from another analytics firm, Springboard, show that footfall in the first week of June was 22% below that in the same week in 2019.

  • footfall: 来客者数
  • that in = footfall in を意味する



  • not take seriously: to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth considering
    eg. I think he’d dismissed me as an idiot within five minutes of meeting.
    eg. Such numbers suggest that what was once dismissed as Project Fear is now Project Fact.
  • to remove someone from their job, especially because they have done something wrong:
    eg. He has been dismissed from his job for incompetence.
  • to formally ask or order someone to leave:
    eg. The professor dismissed the class early because she had a meeting.


That has been, in large part, because successive British governments have refused to accept the trade-off between untrammelled sovereignty and friction-free access to the EU’s single market, a refusal that shapes today’s increasingly testy relationship.


it wouldとは何を指す?otherwise have beenとはどういう意味?

And a model constructed by John Springford of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank with offices in both London and Brussels, concludes that goods trade is 11% lower than it would otherwise have been, on top of an earlier 10% fall since the referendum.

otherwise have been

otherwise have been のところは「これまでとは違って10%に加えて更に11%落ち込む」という意味だと思う。

on top of

in addition to something, especially something unpleasant

We missed our flight, and on top of that we had to wait seven hours for the next one.

it would otherwise have been,

これを説明できない。otherwiseは接続詞、adv, adj の用法がある。ここでは多分adv。

TODO: otherwiseの用法を別ページに纏める

  • 結果を示す節を導く
  • if not(さもなければ、そうでなかれば)

otherwise 例文

except for what has just been referred to:

  • eg. The poor sound quality ruined an otherwise beautiful film.
    • otherwise は adv で beautiful を修飾している
    • 意味は、in other way or manner で「その他の点では」の意味
    • 勿論、except for what has just been referred to でもいい
    • 全文を否定する形で「それ以外は」と訳すのが綺麗
  • eg. The bike needs a new wheel, but otherwise it’s in good condition.
    • otherwise は adv で but が導く節全体を修飾している
    • 意味は、in other way or manner で「その他の点では」の意味


President Barack Obama’s Recovery Act has raised the level of U.S. GDP as of the second quarter of 2010 by between 2.7 percent and 3.2 percent more than it would otherwise have been, the White House said on Wednesday.

  • 「オバマの施策前と比べて」という意味で otherwise を入れている。
  • TODO: 仮定法のやり直し


she applied for a mortgage last month and got an interest rate that was half a percentage point more than it would otherwise have been.

  • DONE: 過去の事実に反することを述べている場合は、would have Vpp を使用するということ?
    • 仮定法とは関係ないです。「過去の推量」を表す場合に、would + 原型、または would + have + Vpp の形を取ります。
    • eg. She would be/have been 80 when she died.

adjusting の目的語が hard になっているが、adjusting hard の意味が分からない

Small firms found adjusting particularly hard because the EU-UK trade deal was struck just a week before exit, meaning there was no transition period.

普通に find A B で「A が B と分かる」の意味。find は SVOC の構文を構築できる。→ particularly が入ることによって気付けなくなっているんだなぁ。

  • strike: 決まる


When supermarket supplies were disrupted straight after Brexit, loyalist youths took to the streets to protest.

  • 主節より前に出たら , が必要なんだっけ?
    • when は従属接続詞ですから従属節を導きます。従属接続詞が文頭に出る場合は必ず主節は ,(カンマ) の後に続きます。

pleadge の意味が分からない

But Mr Johnson came to power having pledged to get rid of the backstop by taking Great Britain out of the single market and the customs union, leaving Northern Ireland alone in both.

  • come to power: 政権を握る
  • pledge: n. Vt.o. ~を約束する(重大な約束)
  • pledge to ~: ~を約束する
    eg. The government has pledged to reduce the amount of chemicals used in food production.


Unionist hardliners even claimed that, just as the decision to avoid a hard north-south border was motivated by fears of nationalist violence, so the threat of loyalist violence might now get rid of border controls in the Irish Sea.

  • , just as の意味を知らない
  • just as の節が ,, で挿入された後に so the threat of… と続くのかが分からない。ここでの so はどういう用法で使われているのか?
  • Irish sea: アイルランド島とグレートブリテン島の間の海

in a bid to の意味が分からない

In January the EU threatened to suspend the protocol unilaterally in a bid to stop vaccine exports from the bloc, though it backed down within hours.

  • in a bid to: ~する目的で


The EU threatens to respond with not just legal action but tariffs, too, as permitted by the terms of the trade deal.

  • threatens to respond with の意味がぱっと分からなかった。
  • 分からなかった原因はthreatenとrespondの意味・用法を知らなかったのが原因。

threaten to 不定詞でイディオム

eg. They threatened to kill him unless he did as they asked.

respond with

respond は自動詞の用法しかありません。(longmanでは他動詞の用法あり)
意味:to do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done
eg. Villagers responded with offers of help.


It is unpopular, however, with Northern Irish businesses.

  • , however , でどういう意味合いが付加されるのか?
    • → adjanct の用法で、前文で行ったことに対して「余談だが」程度の意味合い。正確には despite this の意味合い
    • cf. however
  • unpopular with: ~に不人気
    eg. His strict regime made the college administration very unpopular with the students.

    • regime: 政治・体制

however の使用ルール

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word however is used to introduce a
statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something that has previously
been said.
If you have any doubts concerning the punctuation marks you should use with
however, refer to the following rules:
1. As a conjunctive adverb, however is used to combine two sentences and show
their contrast or opposition. In this case, use a semicolon (;) before and a
comma (,) after the word however.
o The festival was to be held today; however, it was canceled due to the
rainy weather.

2. However might be used to interrupt a sentence. In this case, use a comma (,)
before and after the word.
o There are, however, other ways to solve this problem.
o The wedding, however, continued despite the weather.

3. When however is used at the beginning of a sentence, there should be a comma
(,) after however if what follows the word is a complete sentence.
o However, this is not the only option available.

4. However can be used to mean in whatever manner, by whatever means, to
whatever extent, or no matter how. In this case, don’t use a comma (,) after
the word however.
o However the data were analyzed, the results remained consistent.
 Tip – If however can be replaced with no matter how, do not use
a comma.
 No matter how the data were analyzed, the results
remained consistent.

what he calls ~の意味が分からない

Instead of what he calls diplomacy by rival op-eds, he suggests a temporary commitment by the British government to stick with EU food-safety and veterinary standards.

DeepL では「彼が言うところのライバルの論説による外交ではなく、」と訳されています。

  • what they call: (自分を含まない)世間一般、または「所謂」
  • what we call: (自分を含む)世間一般、または「所謂」
  • op-eds: 社説の反対側にある論説

as would の意味が分からない

The EU would be happy to agree to such a temporary measure, as would Mr Poots and the DUP.

  • 倒置で主語と述部(would~)が逆になっている。ここでは、語のバランスを取るために便宜上起こっている
  • 省略が発生している。つまり、本来は下記の文章
    Mr Poots and the DUP would be happy to agree to such a temporary measure.
  • この would は仮定法由来の丁寧な湾曲法で、「(もしできるとしたら)~だろう」という家庭のニュアンスがある
  • TODO: 仮定法、倒置、省略の復習


Most worrying is that both sides have something to gain from playing tough: the EU by demonstrating that those who sign deals with it must stick to what they agreed; Mr Johnson by standing up to an overweening neighbour. Diplomats on both sides expect the relationship to worsen. Sadly, Northern Ireland may be the fall guy.

  • TODO:


  • playing tough: 強い姿勢を取る
    eg. Most worrying is that both sides have something to gain from playing tough.
  • stand up: ~に耐える
  • overweening: 傲慢な


記事タイトル:Retail parks are well-placed to weather lockdowns

weather の意味が分からない

Retail parks are well-placed to weather lockdowns

weather の他動詞の用法: ~を切り抜ける、乗り切る

As a small new company they did well to weather the recession.

TIMES WERE tough for offline retail before covid-19.




According to Savills, an estate agent, rental yields on shopping centres and high-street stores were rising before the pandemic, but the pace accelerated during it, meaning that the market is demanding a higher return on assets it perceives as riskier.

the pace accelerated during it


the market is demanding a higher return on assets it perceives as riskier.で it が何を指すのか分からなかった

perceives の目的語が欠落しているのに気づくべきである。となると it が指すのは the market であると導きやすくなる。そもそも、突然 SV~という構文が続いているのだから目的格の which が省略されていると考えれる。(何故か it に惑わされてそう考えられなくなった…)

perceive は他動詞の用法しかない。意味は、「to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something:」

, and 以降が分からなかった

Shoppers feel safer in outlets visited by car rather than public transport, and where moving between shops happens out of doors.


and が並列しているのは、(outlets) visited ~ と where ~の文章である。正しい訳はこうなる。「公共交通機関ではなく車で訪れる店舗や、店舗間の移動が屋外で行われる店舗では、買い物客はより安全だと感じます。」


Shoppers feel safer in outlets visited by car than public transport,
and (shoppers feel safer in outlets) where moving between shops happens out of doors (than outlets where moving between shops doesn’t happen out of doors).

  • Q. and は何と何を接続している?
    andは等位接続詞で、節と節、語と語、句と句を接続する。and 以下の where は名詞節、副詞節を導けるがどちらも節なので、(which is) visited~の節を並べている。
  • Q. which が導くものは何?関係詞節だったっけ?それは、形容詞節?
    which 含めて関係詞節という。質問の導くものという表現が行けてないと思う。
  • Q. 関係代名詞が主格だった場合は、関係代名詞が導く文章は主語が無いのだから節じゃないのでは?
    上述の通りなので、関係詞節である。Forest p.271 には「関係詞が導く節を関係詞節と言い、who lives in Boston、which stands on a hill が関係節である」と記述がある。
  • Q. , and でカンマが and の前に入る理由は?完全な文ではなく、関係詞節を繋げる場合にカンマは必須だったっけ?

rental yields

Rental yield is the return a property investor is likely to achieve on a property through rent.

return on assets



  • tepid: 熱意にかける
  • filch: (つまらないもの)をこっそりと盗む
  • margins: 利益幅
  • high streets: 本通り
  • plummet: 急落、Vi. 急落する
  • in-town: 都市にある
  • out-of-town: 市外の、田舎の
  • footfall: 足音、足取り

    In-town shopping centres were the worst hit and slowest to bounceback: data from another analytics firm, Springboard, show that footfall in the first week of June was 22% below that in the same week in 2019.

  • gloom: 暗闇、闇
  • retail parks: 大型ショッピングセンター
  • snap up: 句動詞、~に飛びつく、~を先争って買う
  • white goods: 白物家電
  • shell out: (お金)をしぶしぶ払う
  • outlast: ~より長く続く

The British covid-19 warning

TODO: 文意が分からない

AT FIRST THE government focused support—surge vaccination, wastewater testing and the like—where the covid-19 Delta variant (then known as B.1.617.2) had taken hold.


  • 最初のエムダッシュはリスト、最後のエムダッシュはカンマの代わりで非制限で情報を付加していると思われる。先行詞がないけど、文意的には意味は通じる。

TODO: , and の用法が分からない

Ministers and modellers hold little hope that these measures, and a vaccination campaign that has jabbed more than six in ten Britons, will protect hospitals.

TODO: if would の用法が分からない

The JCVI recommended other jabs only if it would not “substantially delay” vaccination.



  • カンマが無いと , and の節が持つ関係詞節が measures にも係ってしまうとか?
  • カンマで挟まれているので単に挿入な気もする

参考:文法 – カンマの使い方


, in response to rare blood clots, により、recommended と that が離れて即座に文意が分からなかった。

Nadhim Zahawi, the vaccines minister, has said the roll-out would have been faster had the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) not recommended, in response to rare blood clots, that under-40s be offered jabs other than AstraZeneca.


The JCVI recommended other jabs only if it would not “substantially delay” vaccination.

TODO: 主節が過去形で従属節が would になっているがどういう理屈だったっけ?

直訳すると「JCVI は他の予防接種を、多大な遅れが出ない場合に限り推奨する」

, but って何でカンマがあるのか?

No case-count threshold has been set for reversing it, but the committee is keeping an eye on the risk-benefit calculation as cases rise.


No case-count threshold has been set for reversing it, but the committee is keeping an eye on the risk-benefit calculation as cases rise.

  • reversing it: それを覆す
  • reverse は何でも真逆に返るという意味。
    to change the direction, order, position, result, etc. of something to its opposite:


That vaccines mean the mistake is likely to prove less deadly than previous ones will be little comfort to businesses desperate to reopen, or to hedonists desperate to party.

[That vaccines mean the mistake is likely to prove less deadly than
V      C
previous ones] / will be / little comfort to businesses desperate to reopen, or to hedonists desperate to party.


  • 何がどこに掛かっているのかまるで分からない
    • previous ones を説明するのが will be~?
    • 「前の方が、仕事をするには快適で、パーティをするには快適だった」という意味か?
  • spiral: Vi. で(経済)スパイラルに陥る
  • be desperate to ~ ~しようと必死である
  • deadly: 致命的
  • one が指すのは the mistake
  • comfort: 慰め
  • TODO: Q. That vaccines…than previous ones が名詞節になるのは何故?多分、文頭の that がポイントだと思う。
    • 文頭のthat節は名詞節です
    • このときthatは従属接続詞で名詞節を導きます。
    • NOTE: that節が主文の補語になっているときに「接続詞」と言えるのか疑問…。まぁSV + that SV で主文の(不完全な)節と従属節をつないでいるので接続詞と言えるか…。
  • 本来英語は主語が長くなるのを嫌うので「形式主語 it」で受けるのが普通。

Joe Biden’s summit with Vladimir Putin


  • set off on (旅・航海)に出発する
    eg. set off on a diplomatic trip: 外交旅行に出発する
  • more or less 多かれ少なかれ
  • modest 多くを語ろうとしない、謙虚な
  • modest gains 小幅高
  • yield Vi.t. ~を生み出す、~を生じさせる
  • turbulence (感情の)動揺、(社会の)混乱、乱気流
  • pow-wow 話し合い、おまじない
  • autocracy 独裁政治
  • confront (問題)に直面する
  • fondness n.o. 好み、優しさ
  • fondness for ~が好きなこと、~の愛好
    eg. Bob’s fondness for Sake is well known.
  • call someone out ~を排除する

    Mr Biden is doing a fair job of uniting democracies to call the autocrats out.

    • 「~を呼び出す」の方が普段では使われるかも。
  • fair 公正な、公平な、かなりの、有望な
  • tough on ~にとって厳しい態度
    He looks tough. 彼は頑固そうに見える

    Mr Biden wants to look tough on Russia, but finds himself constrained.

  • need someone V 人に~して欲しい

    He needs Russian help on a range of issues,

  • manoeuvre, maneuver 作戦行動・戦略

The quest for a more pragmatic Northern Ireland protocol

SELDOM CAN の構文が分からない

SELDOM CAN a mere treaty protocol have caused so much fuss so soon after it was signed.

seldom の用法でこうなっています。

  • seldom: 滅多に起きないことを表す
  • seldom は文章中で使用される場合は、文頭に置かれる場合がある。この場合、直後に助動詞または主語を伴う。
    eg. Seldom did he ask me questions about our finances.
    eg. Seldom can there have been such a happy couple.
    →疑問文の先頭に seldom が付加されている



But to avoid a hard north-south border in Ireland, Northern Ireland has, in effect, remained in both.

  • in effect
    • = in fact, or in practice
    • eg. So in effect the government have lowered taxes for the rich and raised them for the poor.
    • 参考:cambridge
  • to avoid~, は不定詞の副詞的用法で、主節より前に来ているためカンマが入っている
  • in effect はカンマで挿入されている


The protocol lays down precisely how this alternative arrangement should work, including rules to block movement of chilled meats such as fresh sausages, after a grace period that expires on June 30th.

  • lay down: ~を規定する
  • , including …, が挿入されている


Mr Johnson knew all this when he triumphantly ratified the protocol, calling it the best of both worlds.

  • 必須ではないけど、カンマで分詞が文末に付加されることはある。


It is disingenuous for him to feign outrage today, when Brussels calls for the rules to be implemented, not broken.

  • distingenuous: (of a person or their behaviour) slightly dishonest, or not speaking the complete truth:
  • it is disingenuous of 人 to ~:人が~するのは軽率です、不誠実です
    • eg. It was disingenuous of her to claim she had no financial interest in the case.
  • 以上より下記のような訳でよかろう。

much の用法が分からない、カンマの用法も分からない

However much he relishes the political gains from a fight with the EU, for the sake of peace in Ireland and the health of Britain’s most vital commercial relationship, he should compromise—and the EU should go out of its way to help

  • ,, は挿入、最後の , は however の接続詞の用法によるもの。
  • 参考:however


An early sign of the potential costs came at the G7 summit in Cornwall, Britain’s post-Brexit coming-out party, which was partly overshadowed by squabbles over the protocol.

  • sign of ~:~の兆候、~の表れ
  • coming-out party:国際社会にデビューするお披露目するパーティー
  • be overshadowed by ~:~によって影が薄くなる
  • squabble:小競り合い
  • squabbles over ~:~についての小競り合い

run by

The EU runs by law and it fears that Mr Johnson will gradually undermine the entire protocol.

  • run by:
  • run smh by(past) smb:to tell someone about something, to make sure they understand or approve
    • 人に~を(確認のために)言う(尋ねる?)
    • eg. I would like to run some ideas by you before we agree to the deal.
    • eg. Could you run that past me again?
  • ここでは、the EU rules or explain something according to the law の意味


But by pressing its case it is playing into his hands, because his poll ratings rise in line with battles with the EU.

  • play into someone’s hands: ~の術中にはまる
  • press a case/claim: 人々に要求を通そうとし続ける、アピールする
    • eg. Once again he tried to press his case for promotion.

要求を通そうとし続けることによって、彼の術中にはまります。なぜなら、EU とのバトルに比例して世論調査の支持率が上がるからです。

observe の用法

Although the EU does not trust the British government, Mr Johnson could help by offering a concession of his own by promising to observe, for a limited period, EU food-safety standards, as Switzerland does.

  • observe: (法律・ルール)に従う

would not be the case の表現

Yet at the G7 summit Mr Biden promised that this would not be the case.

  • 訳:しかし、G7サミットでバイデン氏はそのようなことはないと約束した。
  • not the case:
    意味は 2 つあって、事実とは異なる、そのことではない

    • 前者は内容を真っ向から否定するときに使う
    • どちらの意味かは文脈から判断する


  • protocol: 議定書
  • prime minister: 首相(日本で言えば、岸田とか阿部)
  • absurdity: 馬鹿げたこと
  • poll ratings: 世論調査
  • concession: 譲歩
  • observe: ~に従う
  • argue against: ~に反論する
  • tellingly: 効果的に、雄弁に、事実を明かすと
  • observance: 守ること、順守
  • scheme: 計画、構想
  • breach: 違反、不履行
  • imposition: 押しつけ、過大な要求