英会話 – レッスンメモ
2021-11-10 22-36-15
I usually eat something in dinning room(hole).
And I have favorite chair in dinning room.
-> I have favorite chair there/ in that area.
2021-11-15 21-30-01
- 最初
- I usually go to the place where …
- … から先が言えなかった
- 正解
- I usually travel to snowing area.
- キーワード
- snowing area
- do snowboarding
- 最初
- It merely snowing.
- be 動詞が抜けている
- 正解
- It’s rarely snowing.
- It’s rare to snow in my hometown.
- It’s rare to have snow.
- キーワード
- hometown: 出身地
- 最初
- I have envision to see snow as it’s rarely snowing in my hometown.
- キーワード
- 「雪を見に行きたかった」という言い回しでもいい
- I like to go and see snow.
- I have eager to see snow.
- 「雪を見に行きたかった」という言い回しでもいい
- 正解
- I liked to go and see snow because it’s rare to have snow in my hometown.
- 正解
- They were the co-workers of my part-time work when I was in collage.
- 正解
- Single I graduated from university, I’ve been busy with my work. And I cannot do snowboarding.
- キーワード
- after I graduated from university
- after graduating from university
- 正解
- I go to do snowboarding every 3 years/once every 3 years.
- キーワード
- そんなに多くない:not very often
- 正解
- January and February are proper for snowboarding.
- キーワード
- total revenues in January-to-June 2021
- in January and February
- 最初
- Who did teach?
- 正解
- Who teaches you how to play snowboarding?
- キーワード
- wh 疑問詞で主語を訪ねる場合は、S をそのまま wh に置き換えるだけでよい
- wh 疑問詞で目的語を訪ねる場合は、wh + 疑問文の形にする
- teach O to 人:Oを人に教える
She taught English to foreign students. - teach 人 O:人にOを教える
She teaches me French. - teach 人 to V:人に~するのを教える
Who taught you to cook?
- 最初
- It was on half way.
- It finished half way.
- 正解
- The lesson was finished in the middle of the exercise.
- It was over at the middle of article.
- 最初
- tourist
- 正解
- passenger
- 最初
- The system was motivated by super yacht.
- これだと、「ヨットが動機でした」になってしまう。
- 正解
- The system was inspired by super yacht.
- キーワード
- be inspired by: ~からアイデアを得る、
- 最初
- We cannot enter in the parliament in Japan.
- 正解
- We cannot enter the parliament.
- We cannot go into the parliament.
- It’s not allowed for tourist spot.
- キーワード
- enter が使えないということはなさそう。Vit で特定の用法でしか in が使えないということはなさそうだし、間違いではなさそう。
- eg. Before you can enter the country, you have to clear customs.
2021-11-17 20-00-35
- 最初
- I’d like to read around for each section and then I try to summarize.
- 正解
- I will read around then summarize at end of the paragraph.
2021-11-19 20-31-05
- 最初
- The rental fee of the room is very high in Kyoto.
- 正解
- The rents are pretty high in Kyoto.
- キーワード
- rent: 家賃
rent だけで家賃を意味します。
- rent: 家賃
「Uber は配達料を上げた」
- 最初
- They get it higher.
- They get their delivery fee higher.
- 正解(別な言い変え)
- The Uber Eats delivery fee had increased since last year.
→ 自動詞の用法があるので、高くなるものを主語にできます。 - The Uber Eats delivery fee is more expensive now than before.
- The Uber Eats delivery fee had increased since last year.
- 最初
- There are a lot of houses for living
- 正解
- It’s residential area.
2021-11-21 21-11-23
Covid-19 シンガポール政府が無料のワクチン接種を12月6日で終える話。
- 正解
- The government will finish the free vaccination, because it would like to make the people who are unvaccinated want to get vaccination before the period.
- キーワード
- 「何かの結果、~しようと思った」は made me want や made me decide とすると簡潔に表現できます。(IDIY 講師より)
- 最初
- Today, your voice is sometimes splitting.
- 正解
- Your voice is breaking up.
- キーワード
- break up
- 電話がクリアに聞き取れない状態になる
If someone who is talking on a mobile phone is breaking up, their voice can no longer be heard clearly.
- 電話がクリアに聞き取れない状態になる
- break up
- 最初
- The vaccination rate is the highest in the world.
- 正解
- The percentage of people who have received the vaccine, Japan is the highest.
- Japan has the largest percentage of persons who have got the vaccination.
- 例文
- The US, India and Brazil have seen the highest number of confirmed cases.
- California, Texas, and Florida are the states with the highest number of coronavirus cases in the U.S.
- Vermont has the highest percentage of its population fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
TODO: この文で population ~の~の言い換え練習
Percentage of population older than 65 years in the United States in 2019
What is the percentage of elderly population in 2020?
The percentage of population aged 60 or older was 25.7%
- 最初
- If the vaccine is tested enoughly for those young people. I think it should go ahead to give them vaccination.
- 正解
- I will agree if it will be tested even more.
- キーワード
- enoughly なんて言葉は存在しない。enough で、adv の用法がある
- 最初
- Uhh…
- 正解
- It was just recently.
- 最初
- Eventually they get me vaccined.
- 正解
- I think they will force me to have vaccination.
- 最初
- Let’s keep this article for next time.
- 正解
- Let’s continue ….
2021-11-23 21-00-02
- 最初
- 正解
- The use of prepositions has many exceptions. So I may ask when I use it.
- 最初
- まぁまぁ合ってるので割愛
- 正解
- If we sing-up for national health insurance, the amount of payment when we go to hospital is 30% of total fee. The monthly fee of national health insurance is $300 or 400.
- キーワード
- 加入する:
- enroll in
Can you enroll in insurance anytime? - sign-up
How to sign-up for health insurance? - apply for
You can apply for free or low-cost coverage through Medicaid and CHIP any time, all year.
- enroll in
- 解約する:
- cancel
You can cancel your health insurance plan at any time.
- cancel
- お給料: salary, pay
- 加入する:
NOTE: どのエクササイズからでしたっけ?
- What exercise are we?
- 最初
- 正解
- The Japanese are influenced by others.
- The Japanese decide what to do next seeing what the other do.
- キーワード
- decide 例文
She decided (that) she would travel to India. - the Japanese: 総称は複数扱い
- decide 例文
- 最初
- 正解
- I don’t make conversation with neighbours so much but I don’t hear that someone wouldn’t like to get vaccination.
- キーワード
- あまり~しない:so much
I don’t do it so much. - 近所の人: neighbour
- あまり~しない:so much
- 最初
- 正解
- There are many elderly living in this area. Most of them had vaccination because they know they have higher risk of being severe case than young people.
- キーワード
- 高齢者: elderly n, adj
- 正解
- I think 20s aren’t likely to have vaccination because they think they will not be severe case.
- キーワード
- twenties, 20s: 20 代, 世代を表すときは the を付けない
- ツイッターとか fb のこと: social media
- 正解
- What has your government done to encourage people to get vaccinated?
- TODO: wh の疑問文を直ぐに作れない。
- 最初
- 正解
- The same amount of vaccine is prepared.
- TODO: ↑ 何か微妙な気がする。
- 最初
- So I try to stay at home.
- 正解
- as much as possible を付加するとなおよい
- NOTE: as possible as I can は誤用。日本語では意味が通るが英語では意味不明とネイティブは感じる。
- 最初
- そもそも言えなかった
- 正解
- The lifespan seems to be much longer living in warm area than cold area.
- The yearly mild climate would extend my lifespan.
- キーワード
- 寿命:lifespan
- 正解
- An unemployment insurance may cover the medical fee.
- キーワード
- unemployment: 失業者
- unemployment insurance: 失業保険
- out-of-work donation: 失業手当
2021-11-25 21-30-02
- 最初
- It’s normal
- 正解
- It’s not special.
- 正解
- Is the class still online?
- キーワード
- 授業を受ける: take a class/lessen/course
- 正解
How many semesters are there in a year in your country?- semester は 2 学期制を意味するので不適切
- How many periods in a year in your University?
- How many periods is a year divided into?
- キーワード
- semester: (2学期制の)学期 8-12, 1-6, 6-9 月の夏休みに短い夏学期がある場合が殆ど
- term: (3学期制の)学期
- quarter: (4学期制の)学期 9-12, 1-3, 4-6, 6-8
- 正解
- Most of the university moved to two semesters a year.
- 多分、move も使える
- Most of the university shifted to two semesters a year.
- The education system in Japan wanted to align or have the same system abroad.
- Most of the university moved to two semesters a year.
- 正解
- If we take two periods in a year, it allows us to exchange students whose university even uses quarter system, because they can start from the beginning of fall quarter or fall semester.
- キーワード
- 学校に通う
- I go to school. これは、「学校に今言っています」という意味にってしまうので間違い
- I study in school. が正しい。
- 学校に通う
- 正解
- Some of the courses have changed the education system.
- キーワード
- major/course/degree
- medical course
- 正解
- The medical course needs 6 years to graduate.
- … to get the degree.
- … to study
- キーワード
- pharmacy/pharmacy degree/pharmacy course
- 正解
- The only thing which is needed to get the bachelor’s degree is a research paper.
- キーワード
- paper
会話では research paper 位に言っておけば間違いはないと思う。 - 学会: academic conference
- paper
「マスターコースに居る人が学士の研究を手伝うのである意味では OJT と言える」
- 正解
- It’s like OJT because a student in master course helps the research of a student in bachelor’s degree.
表現 – 支払の30%
- キーワード
30% of what you’re paying.
- 正解
I wrote research papers and made presentation at conference.
- キーワード
- present : (正式に)提出する
If you are new to presenting a conference paper, here are some hints that you might find helpful.
- present : (正式に)提出する
- 正解
- We usually researched alone in my lab.
- キーワード
研究室: laboratory
- 正解
- Let’s proceed to next.
- 最初
- There’s no choice not to take insurance.
- TODO: Q. 不定詞で名詞を説明するときに not to って使えるの?
- 正解
- There’s no option that we don’t take it.
- → これ間違ってるでしょ…。関係詞節に欠落が発生してないし。
- TODO: 同格で option の言い換えができる?そもそも、最初の不定詞を使っているのも不定詞による同格と言える?
- There’s no option that we don’t take it.
2021-11-27 20-59-59
「ここ 2 週間、誤嚥が多い」
- 正解
- Foods and drinks go into the airway for the past two weeks.
- キーワード
- 気管:airway
- ここ~週間:for the past two weeks
- food の /u/ の発音が悪いです。
- 正解
What happens to?
- 正解
- Do you feel anything in your throat?
- キーワード
- 胸やけ:heart burn
- 正解
- What did the doctor tell you?
- 正解
- The muscle around throat weakens.
- キーワード
- muscle weakness: 筋力の低下
eg. Muscle weakness is commonly due to lack of exercise, ageing, muscle injury or pregnancy.
- muscle weakness: 筋力の低下
- 正解
- The number of conversation has decreased after corona pandemic.
- In-parson communication is decreasing.
- 正解
- The meeting is once a weak.
- 正解
- What do you think the way to exercise your throat?
- TODO: 英作で確認する。直訳すると「方法についてどう思いますか?」となってしまうので正しくないと思う。
- What kind of ways do you think you will do to exercise your throat?
- What do you think the way to exercise your throat?
- キーワード
- What do you think about ~: ~についてどう思いますか?
- 例文
- What do you think about not going?
行かないのはどう思いますか?⇒提案している - What do you think about teaching English in elementary school?
- What do you think about rising the consumption tax?
- What do you think about them not being ready?
- What do you think about not going?
- TODO: wh の疑問文を使いこなせていないので練習する。
- 最初
I will take time for work a little. -> これでも合ってるはず。a little は adv の用法がある。
- 正解
- I will do a little bit of work at home.
- I will work for a little bit.
- 正解
- This is because I didn’t finish my task on Friday.
- キーワード
- task: 下記の意味があるので task を使えるはず
a piece of work to be done, especially one done regularly, unwillingly, or with difficulty
- task: 下記の意味があるので task を使えるはず
- 正解
- Do you see yourself as a workaholic?
- 正解
- I had been workaholic before I got a lot of illness.
- 正解
- It can reduce working hours on weekdays.
- It can reduce time spent for work.
- キーワード
- working hours: 労働時間
- weekdays(平日)はそれぞれの日を指すので on を使う。(曜日には基本 on を示す)
- 例文
I go to the park on Weekends.
We all go to school on Weekdays.
During Weekends, I play with my friends.
- 正解
- You need to choose how many years you will have/pay an insurance.
- これだと「何年間払い続けるか」の意味になってしまう。「何年分かを一括で」のニュアンスを出したい。
- You need to choose how many years the insurance will cover.
- You need to choose how many years you will have/pay an insurance.
- キーワード
- ~年間の保険料
- 正解
- Is there any chance to ~
TODO: what you paid などの練習
- 正解
- You’ll get half of what you paid.
- キーワード
- ~カ月後に:in x months
You’ ll be reimbursed what you paid in 3 months.
- ~カ月後に:in x months
- 正解
- Are you only the person can use it?
- 最初
- The insurance fee doesn’t change even if a person goes to hospital 1000 times.
- 正解
- The reduction rate won’t change even if a person goes to a hospital as many times as he want.
- キーワード
- as many times as S want: 何度もする
- TODO: 何度も~するの表現の練習
- 最初
- 30% due hasn’t changed for young people.
- due はこのコンテキストだと用例が出てこない
- 30% due hasn’t changed for young people.
- 正解
- The 70% discount rate will not change.
- The 30% of total payment will not change.
- キーワード
- (医療費の)自己負担額:copayment
2021-11-30 20-30-01
TODO: during の発音がゴミ
- 最初
- The percentage of population of over 65 years old is 30%..
- 正解
- The percentage of population over 65 years old is 30%.
NOTE: over 65 years old が前置詞句(ここでは形容詞句の働き)で population を修飾している - The elderly over 65 years make up more than a third of the population.
- The percentage of population over 65 years old is 30%.
- 最初
- I went to bed…
- 正解
- I slept for 3 hours during the day.
- I took a nap because of the head ache.
- キーワード
- fall asleep: 無意識に寝てしまうことを意味する
- 最初
- Please tell me the act which a people sleep during noon.
- 不自然だが、a people が
- 正解
- What do you say the short sleep during the day?
- キーワード
- nap: 昼寝、うたた寝
- 最初
- The deadline is near future.
- 正解
- The deadline is coming.
「No3 で話していた途中の会話から入るのがいいと思う」
- 正解
- It’s no3 but we should start from what we’re talking relates to no3.
- 正解
- When I become eligible for the advantage, I can’t get the same discount rate nowadays.
- キーワード
- 今のような:adv.o nowadays、過去と比較して今のニュアンス
- Who remembers those movies nowadays?
今時、そんな映画を覚えている人はいるだろうか? - Nowadays, I bake my own bread rather than buy it.
- Who remembers those movies nowadays?
- 最近の若者/老人:
today’s young people
young people today/these days - 年をとる:get older
- 今のような:adv.o nowadays、過去と比較して今のニュアンス
2021-12-02 20-30-00
- 正解
- It’s a Japanese dish consisting of a bowl of rice topped with beef and onion.
- キーワード
- 牛丼:Japanese beef ball
- 正解
- There are some Japanese foods whose names are same in other countries.
- Some of the Japanese dishes are called in other countries as what we Japanese say it in Japan.
- 正解
- It’s difficult to explain for me because the name of foods are translated in other languages.
- 最初
- I’m curious that what you said before.
- 正解
- I’m curious that what you said just a moment ago.
- キーワード
- ちょっと前に:just a moment ago/just moments ago
- 最初
- The vid that clarifies the similar pronunciation words with preposition colocation.
- 正解
- The vid clarifies the colocation which is combination of verb and preposition for words of which pronunciation is similar.
- TODO: 上まだ強引な気がする。
- キーワード
- 最初
- Less children is going to be born.
- 正解
- The number of births has been declining every year since 30 years ago.
- 最初
- It’s not my opinion. It’s true.
- 正解
- It’s not my opinion. It’s true based on fact.
- 正解
- If you will be given a chance to change or add rule, what will you do?
2021-12-04 18-00-00
- 最初
- I told the reason of the decrease of salary.
- 正解
- I told why Japanese salary hasn’t increased.
- 最初
- If I begin to cook from now, …
- 正解
- If I begin to cook from now, the time when I can eat is late. So I go out for dinner.
- 正解
- I just relaxed seeing youtube.
「SVOO について十分理解した」
- 正解
- I have enough knowledge about SVOO.
- 正解
- If we have knowledge, it isn’t enough. We really need to apply it as well.
- 正解
- Let’s start with this material even though it’s 6th times to use.
- 正解
- You asked why the salary hasn’t increased.
- キーワード
- ~ないですか?と直接話法で聞く場合
Why has the salary not increased?
How come the salary hasn’t increased?
- ~ないですか?と直接話法で聞く場合
- 正解
- The price of materials which we import has been increasing. So the price of everything made of them has been increasing.
- 正解
- appliance
- home appliances
- 正解
- You have a change to stop or change the insurance plan after 5 years insurance application.
- 正解
- Have you already studied Hawaii’s health care system?
- キーワード
- NOTE: study で調べるを表現できる
2021-12-07 20-29-57
- 正解
- I’m jealous about your insurance system.
- キーワード
- I’m jealous.
- 最初
- I don’t like to get me stressed.
- TODO: get の用法の復習
- 正解
- I don’t like to be stressed.
- キーワード
- 例文:ストレスを貯める関連
- How do I know If I am stressed?
- How do you deal with stress?
- I’m feeling stressed.
- If you’re feeling stressed, there are some things you can try to feel less tense and overwhelmed.
- I tend to get stressed out frequently.
- 最初
- I asked someone to do one of my task.
- I asked someone to do one of my task.
- 正解
- I decided to ask someone to do one of my task.
- キーワード
- ~することにした:decide を使って表現するとよい
- 正解
- The Japanese English teacher don’t teach like this.
- We are not taught like this.
- 正解
- The Japanese doesn’t protest against government policy.
- キーワード
- TODO: 気の利いた「デモ」の表現を調べる
- 正解
- The Japanese have been seeing what the government does nothing. So we gave up.
- キーワード
- the Japanese: 総称の場合は複数形
- これまで:so far
- TODO: 「悲観的になる」の表現
- 正解
- The people who are angry with the government policy criticized in social media then the government retracted it. We’ve given up on what the government doesn’t hear opinions until then.
- キーワード
- 「それまで]の表現
- give up がおかしいような気がする。悲観的になるの方がよい?
- 最初
- The situation of covid-19 became worse.
- 正解
- The situation of pandemic got worse.
- 正解
- travel company
- tourism industry
- tourism businesses
- 最初
- The pandemic will be boosted.
- 正解
- The more people go out for travel, the more the infection increases.
- If people go out for travel more, the situation of pandemic will get worse.
- キーワード
- 「状況が悪くなる」の表現
- 正解
- This story isn’t joke but it’s real story.
- 正解
- suppression, restriction, thought control
2021-12-09 22-00-05
- 正解
- more and more を使う
- As the climate continues to warm, more and more of the snow falling on California’s mountains will be replaced by rain.
- 正解
- I think she
- キーワード
「医療従事者として働きたいですか? 」
- 正解
- Would you like to work as medical staff?
- キーワード
- 医療従事者: medical staff/employee
- 正解
- I’m not interested in working as a medical staff.
- 正解
- Terrible requests are sometimes asked to me.
- The patients sometimes ask me to do terrible things.
- 正解
- Are you short or long patience?
- 正解
- The time which I can wait is 10 minutes.
- TODO: 関係詞節は when じゃなくていいの?
- I can wait only 10 minutes.
- TODO: 10 分までという表現で適切な前置詞は?
- The longest I can wait is for 10 minutes.
- TODO: 多分、for が不要?
- The time which I can wait is 10 minutes.
- 最初
- If the restaurant is clouded, …
- 正解
- If the restaurant is crowded, and the waiter ask me to wait for several minutes, I will go to another restaurant.
- キーワード
- 込んでいるの表現
- It’s crowded/full/packed.
- 込んでいるの表現
- 正解
- Is it since you are kid?
- 正解
- I could wait much longer than I do now.
- TODO: やや怪しい気がする?
- 正解
- The more I get old, the more remaining life is shorter. It made me think the time is precious nowadays than when I was young.
- …, the more lifespan is shorter でもいいかも。
- キーワード
- 年をとるの例文
We’re all getting older.
- 年をとるの例文
- 正解
- It is weekends on which I go to restaurant.
- TODO: on which も使える?
- 正解
- I don’t hear about the government at all.
- キーワード
- not … at all の表現を自分はあまり使わないので使ってみる。
- 正解
- The situation in Japan is oposition. The more the insurance fee is paid from my salary, the less we receive its advantages into the future.
- TODO: 将来に渡っての表現が分からん。
- キーワード
- on the contrary: 逆の意見を言うときのフリに使う「一方で、それどころか」
- 例文:
- それどころか
“I thought you said the film was exciting?” “On the contrary, I nearly fell asleep half way through it!”
- それどころか
- 例文:
- opposite
- 例文:
- 逆効果だった
Police attempts to calm the violence had the opposite effect. - 全く異なる
You’d never know they’re sisters – they’re completely opposite to each other in every way.
- 逆効果だった
- 例文:
- on the contrary: 逆の意見を言うときのフリに使う「一方で、それどころか」
- 正解
- We don’t release money for those check-ups.
2021-12-11 22-00-03
Germany’s incoming government
- キーワード
- incoming: 次の
- 正解
- representative を使う
- 正解
- 段階的
- キーワード
- 例文:
The coalition also wants to complete Germany’s phase-out of coal power earlier than the planned 2038 deadline, aiming for as early as 2030.
- 例文:
- 正解
- It’s wrong.
- 正解
- The well located lands merely get to be for sale.
NOTE: この表現は検索ヒット数が少なかった - I’ve been waiting for a home to become for sale in the area.
- It’s difficult to find well located land for sale.
- The well located lands merely get to be for sale.
- キーワード
- for sale: available to buy の意味なので、安売りに意味合いはそもそもない
- ~になる:become を使えばよい。become for sale
- 例文:
This site helps you find land for sale.
- 正解
- I don’t feel like studying English today.
- I don’t want to study English today.
これでも、一応意図は通じるが feel like の方がうまく表現できている
- キーワード
- feel like doint: ~したい気がする
- 例文:
I don’t feel like going out. 外に出る気がしません。
- 最初
- If all the parties agree to coalition, he will be the president.
- NOTE: to + noun の用法は Cambridge には記載なし
- 正解
- If all the parties agree on coalition, he will be the president.
- キーワード
- ~に合意する:
- agree that SV
I agree that he should be invited. - agree on/about + 物事
We agree on most things. - agree with + 人
I agree with you on this issue. - be in agreement
The whole family is in agreement with her. - agree to V
The bank has agreed (= is willing) to lend me £5,000.
- agree that SV
- ~に合意する:
- 正解
- a party member
- 正解
- The protocol lays down zero co2 emission by 2050.
- キーワード
- lay down: ~を規定する
- 同義語: prescribe, establish
- 例文
The protocol lays down how this alternative arrangement should work.
- 最初
- The coalition deal says it will make the voter age younger…
- 正解
- The coalition deal says it will make the voter age younger from 18 to 16 and change Germany’s constitution to let 16-year olds be able to vote in federal elections.
- … and change Germany’s constitution to let 16-year olds eligible to vote in federal elections.
- キーワード
- 投票権年齢:voting age
- 憲法・規約:constitution
- ~に投票する:vote in、対象が市議選、県議選などの場合は前置詞は in です。
- 関連例文:
- Only people over 18 are eligible to vote.
- 最初
- The price was three times higher than that of in Japan.
- 正解
- The price was three times higher than the price in Japan.
主語が the price of ~となっていないので、that of は不適切です。 - NOTE: price で語る時は high/low を使う方がいいかも。物そのものについていう時は expensive/cheap を使っても違和感はない。参考
A price is high. A price isn’t expensive, because you don’t buy a price. You buy (in this case) a house.
- The price was three times higher than the price in Japan.
- キーワード
- more/less が入っているだけでネイティブは価格についての相対であると認識するらしい。参考
The report says that the medicines sold in this country are three times more than the ones sold in other countries.
下記でも意味は通じるが are を cost にするとより自然になる。
The report says that the medicines sold in this country are/costs three times more expensive than the ones sold in other countries. - 比較級の文脈の that of
- The population of America is bigger than that of Japan.
- more/less が入っているだけでネイティブは価格についての相対であると認識するらしい。参考
- 正解
- consider
- take into account
- considering that: 接続詞
- 参考:collins
- 何か判断をするときや意見を言う時にに考えている事実を述べる
- 例文
- Considering that you are no longer involved with this man, your response is a little extreme.
- Considering that you are no longer involved with this man, your response is a little extreme.
2021-12-14 21-29-59
- 正解
- I make a habit of
- キーワード
- ~することにしている
- make a habit of going out for walking.
- You can phone me at work as long as you don’t make a habit of it.
- 参考:collins
- make it a rule to
- I make it a rule not to eat fatty foods.
- こちらでも習慣を表すのに適切と言える
have a policy to- ググっても日本語サイトが出てくるので日本独自進化の言い方だと思う。習慣を言う時の文脈では使ってはいけない。
- make a habit of going out for walking.
- ~することにしている
「その連立政権は 3 つの政党から構成されている」
- 最初
- consist of/from どっちなのか分からなかった。
- 正解
- The coalition consists of three parties.
- キーワード
- consist of でイディオムになっている。consist from なんて使い方は存在しない。
- 例文
- At the same time delegates voted down a motion at the congress to quit Germany’s ruling grand coalition, which consists of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Christian Social Union (CSU) and SPD.
- 正解
- This coalition has a possibility to resolve the common issue the congress has.
- キーワード
- 議会が運営される:
- 与党、野党:ruling party/opposition party
- 政策:policy
- 市民:citizen
- 正解
- What disadvantages that the citizens will see/encounter?
- But what about disadvantage that you think that can affect the citizen?
- キーワード
- 直面する:encounter/face
When did you first encounter these difficulties?
- 直面する:encounter/face
- 正解
- food stand
- 正解
- The hot dog was too expensive in the airport, furthermore it was too small like what we can see in Japan.
- キーワード
- furthermore/even more: 更に
- 正解
- If I had left the airport, I would have seen the reasonable price.
- キーワード
- ~から出る:go out of/leave ~
Can I go out of the airport during the layover of an international flight?
Can I leave the airport during th layover on an international flight? - ~に入る:enter/enter in/go in/go into
- enter は地域にも使える
Before you can enter the country, you have to clear customs. - He entered the room.
- enter は地域にも使える
- ~から出る:go out of/leave ~
- 正解
- If I’d like to go abroad, I will have my company pay for the travel fee.
- キーワード
- TODO: 使役をSVOO/SVCC のページに纏める。
- have 人 V: 人に~させる
- make 人 V: 同上だが、やりたくないことをさせる強い矯正の意味がある
- have 物 Vpp:物を~される、物を~してもらう
TODO: 18:45~
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
2021-12-17 20-30-03
TODO: 「金曜が忙しいというより今日がたまたま忙しかった」
- 正解
- I happened to be busy today.
- キーワード
- たまたま忙しい:happen to で用例が出るので問題ないはず。
- by chance だと、SVC で使っている用例が一切ヒットしない。理由は後述。
例文:- I met him by chance.
- たまたま~していない?みたいなニュアンスを出すのが、happen to/by any chance。つまりどちらも意味は同じ。
参考 - by any chance の方は「ひょっとして」の意味しかない
- happen to は「偶然~する」の意味もある
- 正解
- How busy I am doesn’t depend on day of the weak.
- キーワード
- どの位忙しいか:how busy I am
- 曜日を訪ねる:What day (of the weak) is it today?
- of the weak は良く省略される
- 日にちを尋ねる:What is the date today?
- 正解
- I sometimes play video game with my wife but there is vast the gap of play skill so it will be one side game.
- キーワード
- ~として成立しない/~が成り立たない:
- 「一方的なゲームになる」と言い換えてもいいかもしれない
- 正解
- Are you affected by the typhoon?
- キーワード
- 台風などの影響を受けるも「affect」が使える
- 関連表現例文:
Individuals affected by Hurricane Ida in Mississippi, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania now can apply for assistance.
- 正解
- I think there’s a little delay with your voice.
- キーワード
- 正解
- I think the minimum wage should be as same as it is today for unskilled labor.
- キーワード
- 単純労働(者):unskilled labor
- 単純労働の例:cashiers, grocery clerks and cleaners
- 正解
- I have one question is that oka6y?
TODO: lower の発音が酷い
- 正解
- Learning English is popular today in Japan.
- キーワード
- 流行る: be in fashion/popular
- 例文:The Sixties look is back in fashion.
TODO: have の発音が何か変
should have で、ae 音がはっきりしない。
「IT 系の中でもどんな種類の仕事がより給料をもらうべきだと思いますか?」
- 正解
- What line of job in IT should have more pay?
2021-12-19 21-30-01
- キーワード
- Minister of Environment and Climate Change:カナダ
- キーワード
- bad の比較級:bad – worse – worst
- 例文:It doesn’t worse than alcohol.
- 正解
- I go out for buying for the first time in a long time.
- キーワード
- 久しぶりに:for the first time in a long time
- ↑の言い換え: It’s been over a year since I had this.
- 正解
- The line of job in my occupation is …
- line of work という表現は不適切。これは「日常の仕事」という意味で使われている
- There are wide range of work in my industry so I will answer assuming it is programmer.
- The line of job in my occupation is …
- キーワード
- 職業の幅が広い:
- the wide range of jobs
- wide rage of job experiences
- 仕事の幅:the scope of a job
- 関連例文
- Job enlargement means increasing the scope of a job through extending the range of its job duties and responsibilities.
- Broadening the scope of a job by expanding the number of different tasks
- 職業の幅が広い:
- 最初
- The scope of my work is widely broadening.
- The scope of my work is widely broadening.
- 正解
- The scope of my work is wide.
- My industry covers wide range of work.
- キーワード
- 正解
- The planner makes the blueprint and specification of program.
- キーワード
- 設計図:blueprint, design
- 正解
- The programmer codes the program according to the specification that planer made.
- 正解
- Less supervisor can evaluate the outcome of programmer.
- 正解
- Is everyone obligated to learn English since kinder garden?
- キーワード
- be obligated to: to be forced to do something or feel that you must do something
- be obliged to より obligated の方が検索ヒット数が多い
- be obligated to: to be forced to do something or feel that you must do something
- 正解
- He is more focusing into them than any other work.
- 最初
- There are the place where the government isn’t ruling so he would like to enforce the police.
- 正解
- … so he would like to increase the number of police officer.
- キーワード
- enforce : Vto. ~を法律に従わせる、~に従わせる
It isn’t always easy for the police to enforce speed limits.
The new teacher had failed to enforce any sort of discipline.
- enforce : Vto. ~を法律に従わせる、~に従わせる
- 正解
- He has the police officer arrest the people.
- 正解
- He will finish presidency this year.
- This year is the last year as the president.
- キーワード
- presidency : 大統領職
2021-12-21 22-00-09
- 正解
- the end and beginning of the year
- winter vacation
- 最初
- The sun of orbit gets the earth be more warm.
- 正解
- The sun of orbit gets the earth warm.
- The sun of orbit bring about
- キーワード
get の用法:- to cause something to happen, or cause someone or something to do something:
- [ + adj ] She had to get the kids ready for school.
- [ + past participle ] I’m trying to get this article finished by Thursday.
We get our groceries delivered. - [ + -ing verb ] Were you able to get the copy machine working?
- [ + to infinitive ] I can’t get my computer to work!
- to persuade someone to do something:
- [ T + obj + to infinitive ] Why don’t you get Nicole to come to the party?
NOTE: obj = 人の場合が殆どだと思う。
- [ T + obj + to infinitive ] Why don’t you get Nicole to come to the party?
- to do something to something or someone without intending to or by accident:
- [ T + obj + past participle ] He got his bag caught in the train doors as they were closing.
I always get the two youngest sisters’ names confused.
NOTE: 「obj が~される」で覚えれば十分かも。
- [ T + obj + past participle ] He got his bag caught in the train doors as they were closing.
- to cause something to happen, or cause someone or something to do something:
- 正解
- Whenever it can be overlapped, you should configure it so that it can overlap the task.
- 正解
- You configure it so that it can overlap the task.
NOTE: 一応、検索してそこそこヒットする表現
eg. Is there a way to configure it so that a ticket is reopened if someone puts a new comment in it?
- You configure it so that it can overlap the task.
- 正解
- Could you tell me what we will run into?
NOTE: how case は用例が皆無なので使ってはいけない
- Could you tell me what we will run into?
- キーワード
- 関連例文:
You never know what we will run into on our daily walks.
- 関連例文:
- 最初
- The explanation of the addressing is what is wrote in TRM.
- DONE: what = the thing which なので間違ってはいないが “what is wrote in TRM” で完全な疑問文の形になっているのに違和感を感じるが正しいのだろうか?
- what が作る名詞節では、関係詞節の主語の欠落、または目的語の欠落がある。
- 例文:what is happening in the space
- DONE: what = the thing which なので間違ってはいないが “what is wrote in TRM” で完全な疑問文の形になっているのに違和感を感じるが正しいのだろうか?
- The explanation of the addressing is what is wrote in TRM.
- 正解
- The explanation of the addressing is the one wrote in TRM.
- キーワード
- 参考:
- howの名詞節を使う表現
- whの名詞節を使う表現
- NOTE: wh/howの名詞節どちらもOまたはCの欠落が発生する
- 正解
- Whatever I think, how healthy you live has more effect on embryo than acupuncture treatment.
- …, how to live has more effect on embryo than acupuncture treatment.
- キーワード
- どのように生活するか:how to live
- 関連:
- where to live
- what to do
- 正解
- Sun activity is getting high.
- It becomes busy season for sunspots.
- キーワード
- 黒点:sunsupot
- 活動量の高い低い:high/low で表す
- ~の時期:adj + season for + noun
The start of the busy season for sunspots means more opportunities to see the splendor of the northern and southern lights.
- 正解
- It’s difficult to create more jobs from the gas car industry because it has already been matured.
- 正解
- Do you agree to change all of the cars to electric cars?
- 正解
- We can save money for gas.
- 正解
- It is the disadvantage that you would not notice the car behind you because of its silence.
- キーワード
- in your field/job
- 正解
- We’re asked not to use papers as much as possible so that we can reduce the amount of garbage.
- 正解
- I don’t take care about reducing the amount of garbage, but at least I
divideseparate the garbage into some categories strictly for recycling. - “what I do as environmental awareness” を使ってもいいかも
- I don’t take care about reducing the amount of garbage, but at least I
- キーワード
- (ごみを)分別する:separate
- 意識していること
- what I pay attention to
- environmental awareness – 環境に対する意識
例文:Environmental awareness has increased dramatically over the past decade.
- 正解
- Should it be over the counter?
- キーワード
- over the counter : 店頭で、小売店を通して
2021-12-23 20-30-00
- 正解
- Most of my trips are domestic.
- キーワード
- domestic : relating to a person’s own country/国内の
domestic airlines/flights
Domestic opinion had turned against the war.(国内世論は戦争に反対していた。)
- domestic : relating to a person’s own country/国内の
- 正解
- It is getting worse instead of improving.
- キーワード
- ~どころか:instead of を使うと表現できる
- 正解
- The plastic material cannot be broken down naturally.
- 正解
- Those companies generate more garbage than others.
- Those companies generate garbage more than others.
- TODO: ↑のニュアンスの違いが分からない。英作に出す。
- TODO: 「more than ~」ってどういうときに使うんだったっけ?
- SV + more than + O : 「O以上」と単にOを修飾する用法
- SV + 数 + more than …:「…のときより数だけ多い」
… that was half a percentage point more than it would otherwise have been. - DONE: Q.そもそも、more + 名詞 + than の表現ってそもそも存在しない?
→ 少なくとも「more + 名詞」の用法は文法で許可されています。参考:cambridge - 関連例文:
Over the past few weeks I have spent more time than usual in London.
It’s taken more time than I anticipated.
- キーワード
- ~よりたくさんの:普通に比較級 more を使う
- NOTE:「より多くのゴミ」を表現するのに more garbage は殆どヒットしなかった。
more waste の方がヒットする。garbage は不可算名詞の用法しかないが、waste は可算名詞の用法もあるので more を使えるんだと思う。 - DONE: Q. 不可算名詞に more って使えないんだっけ?
- 不可算名詞に使う much の比較級が more なので使える。
- 例文:
You have more waste than expected.
If no action is taken, the world will be on a dangerous path to more waste and overwhelming pollution.
customers throwing away more garbage will pay a higher rate. - ゴミを生み出す:generate でいい
- The quantity of garbage we generate reflects the amount of new products…
- 正解
- It doesn’t release/generate any toxic gas if it is burned under high temperature.
- キーワード
- radiation
- Vt.o. emit
- electricity
- generate power/electricity
- nuclear power plant
- nuclear power
carry – 発音
- 正解
- /ˈker.i/
- 正解
- The proceeding countries will take a step to reduce the plastic by use of some technology but the developing countries cannot do without using plastic.
- キーワード
- take a step : (何かを達成するために)行動に移す
- 例文:
- The Prime Minister took the unprecedented step of publishing details of the conversation in the press.
- The school will take steps to make sure that these children are found and punished.(学校は、このような子どもたちを見つけ、処罰するための措置をとります。)
TODO: 2021-12-26 20-30-09
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
2022-01-08 21-30-03
Vehicle Charging Points Required for New Homes in England
- 正解
- The government supports some portion of what you paid for the electric vehicle.
- キーワード
- NOTE: これも wh の名詞節を使えば表現しやすい。
- キーワード
- make one’s living as/by
- 例文:
- He made a living by working as a cook.
TODO: 20:41~
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード
- 正解
- キーワード